import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.RandomAccessFile;/** * Subclass of RandomAccessFile that always ensures that it * has exclusive access to a file before opening it. */public class ExclusiveRandomAccessFile extends RandomAccessFile { private static final String LOCK_FILE_SUFFIX = ".lck"; private File lockFile; /** * Open the named file using a lock file to ensure * exclusive access. * @param fileName The name of the file to open. * @param mode This should either be "r" for read-only * access or "rw" for read-write access. * @exception FileSharingException * If there is already a lock file for the named * file. * @exception IOException * If there is a problem opening the file */ public static ExclusiveRandomAccessFile openExclusive(String fileName, String mode) throws IOException { File lockFile = new File(fileName+LOCK_FILE_SUFFIX); //createNewFile是原子操作 if (!lockFile.createNewFile()) { // lock file already exists throw new FileSharingException(fileName); } // if return new ExclusiveRandomAccessFile(fileName, mode, lockFile); } // openExclusive(String) /** * Construct a RandomAccessFile that has exclusive access * to the given file. * @param fileName The name of the file to open. * @param mode This should either be "r" for read-only * access or "rw" for read-write access. * @param lockFile A file object that identifies the lock * file. */ private ExclusiveRandomAccessFile(String fileName, String mode, File lockFile) throws IOException { super(fileName, mode); this.lockFile = lockFile; } // constructor(String, String) /** * Close this file. */ public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (lockFile!=null) { // If file is still open lockFile.delete(); lockFile = null; super.close(); } // if } // close()}class FileSharingException extends IOException { public FileSharingException(String msg) { super(msg); } // constructor(String)} // class FileSharingException